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Every September, Extra! seeks to capture the literary spirit of the times. This year, it is an impression of trouble that emerges: under an apparent stability, conferred by the persistence of the book and the good business of the publishing economy, literature is actually living through troubled times.
It is therefore in its very identity that literature today finds itself destabilized. Rivalled by the digital world just like the cinema, having now largely lost its cultural leadership by switching over to a precisely "post-literary" world populated by screens, images in flux and series, literature would no longer be he place where the world and its crises are said, as the theorist Tiphaine Samoyault asserts.
But this troubled condition is also what makes the vibrant heart of literary creation today. As the philosopher Donna Haraway invites us to do in a resounding essay, we must try to “Living with trouble”.
“Extra! », more than ever festival of living literature, is in this sense a space of textual creations which fully lives its troubles, expresses them, explores them, exhibits them, visits them, performs them, and recreates them, in multiple forms.
More information on this event can be found here.