Speciwomen Library
The Speciwomen Library was started in 2020 and has being growing ongoingly, with careful research and planning. Most of the archive lives at Speciwomen‘s headquarters and is available during library hours to all.
The Library is located at 518 E 11th St, 4A, New York NY 10009.
Library Hours are every Saturday from 12-6PM.
Please book an appointment here to visit the Speciwomen Library.
To apply to get a Speciwomen Library card please fill out this form.

SLA.3.2020. Kathy Acker, Portrait of an Eye.

SLA.4.2017. Laure Adler, Dictionnaire intime des femmes.

SLA.4.2014. Etel Adnan, Écrire dans une langue etrangère.

SLA.4.2012. Etel Adnan/Hans Ulrich Obrist, Conversation avec Etel Adnan.

SLA.18.1959. Sawako Ariyoshi, La dames de Kimoto.

SLA.26.2008. Ariella Azoulay, The Civil Contract of Photography.

SLB.1.2020. Jazmina Barrera, On Lighthouses.

SLB.1.2015. Ingeborg Bachmann, Toute personne qui tombe a des ailes.

SLB.5.2021. Anne Berest, La carte postale.

SLB.5.2019. Lauren Berlant, editor. Reading Sedgwick.

SLB.5.2014. Stephen Andrews, Gregg Bordowitz, Duets.

SLB.5.2009. Gregg Bordowitz, Volition.

SLB.15.1992. Louise Bourgeois, Observations.

SLC.1.2015. Anne Carson, Antigonick (Sophokles).

SLC.1.2019. John Cage, Merce Cunningham, Love, Icebox: Letters from John Cage to Merce Cunningham.

SLC.1.1992. Willa Cather, Cather: Stories, Poems, and Other Writings.

SLC.5.2009. Suzanne Césaire, Le grand camouflage.

SLC.8.1982. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Dictee.

SLC.8.2022. Barbara Chase-Riboud, I Always Knew: A Memoir

SLC.8.2018. Mona Chollet, Sorcieries, La puissance invaincue des femmes.

SLC.8.1982.1. Caryl Churchill, Top Girls.

SLC.15.1986. Maryse Condé, Moi, Tituba sorcière…

SLC.15.2012. Isabelle Cornaro, Inside the White Cube.

SLD.1.2021. Marie Darrieussecq, Pas dormir.

SLD.1.2020. Moyra Davey, Index Cards.

SLD.5.2022. Constance Debré, Nom.

SLD.5.2023. Constance Debré, Offenses.

SLD.5.2021. Dune Delhomme, A causes des conditions extremes.

SLD.5.2023.1. Wendy Delorme, Devenir Lionne.

SLD.5.1998. Virginie Despentes, Les jolies choses.

SLD.5.2002. Virginie Despentes, Teen Spirit.

SLD.5.2004. Virginie Despentes, Bye Bye Blondie.

SLD.5.2010. Virginie Despentes, Apocalypse Bébé.

SLD.5.2006. Virginie Despentes, King Kong Theorié.

SLD.5.2015. Virginie Despentes, Vernon Subutex Vol I-II-III.

SLD.5.1994. Virginie Despentes, Mordre au travers.

SLD.5.2022.1 Virginie Despentes, Cher Connard.

SLD.9.2016. Emily Dickinson, Envelope Poems, 2016.

SLD.9.1974. Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.

SLD.21.2014. Marlene Dumas, Sweet Nothings: Notes and Texts 1982-2014

SLD.21.1986. Marguerite Duras, Les Yeux bleus cheveux noirs.

SLD.21.2019. Marguerite Duras, Me & Other Writings.

SLD.21.2022. Marguerite Duras, The Easy Life.

SLD.21.2023. Violette d'Urso, Même le bruit de la nuit changé.

SLE.18.2016. Annie Ernaux, Mémoire de fille.

SLE.18.2022. Annie Ernaux, Le jeune homme.

SLE.18.2016.1. Louisa Ermelino, Malafemmena.

SLF.5.2019. Colette Fellous, This Tilting World.

SLF.9.2021. Claire Finch, Chapter 15 I Lie On The Floor.

SLF.9.2020. Jen Fisher, In The Mud.

SLF.9.1993. MFK Fisher, Biographie sentimentale de l’huître.

SLG.8.2018. Yasmine Ghata, Le Calame Noir.

SLG.9.1963. Natalia Ginzburg, Lessico famigliare.

SLG.9.2010. Efratia Gitai, Correspondence 1929-1994.

SLG.15.2021. Camille Goudeau, Les Chats erafles.

SLH.5.2014. Yoshinori Henguchi, Lizard Telepathy.

SLJ.1.2003. Derek Jarman, Chroma.

SLK.1.2015. Bhanu Kapil, Ban en Banlieue.

SLK.1.2009. Bhanu Kapil, Humanimal.

SLK.25.2017. Joanne Kyger, There You Are.
We are currently in the process of cataloguing all books from our archive to be searchable online. In the meantime, we invite you to consult our library roster to view available titles and their status.