Make a Donation

With your funding, we are able to sustain and grow:

I) OUR RESIDENCY: Magnet is a funded artist-in-residence program hosted by Speciwomen welcoming artists from outside of New York to spend time and make work in the city. Each artist will have access to a shared live-in space, the Speciwomen Library and a private studio space for the duration of the residency. We commit to partnering with select institutions, labs, and other artist spaces in order to help curate a meaningful stay for each artist based on their needs and desires.

II) OUR PUBLISHING: We conceive, design, print and distribute artist books, monographs, exhibition catalogs and anthologies in parallel to our bi-annual magazine presenting artists in conversation with one another. Speciwomen has run several special and limited print edition benefits to raise funds going directly towards supporting artists practices and projects within our community.

III) OUR PUBLIC PROGRAMMING: Speciwomen‘s headquarters are activated by our own programming series in conjunction with our residents and publishing program. Readings, dinners, screenings and performances take place at our space year-round. In addition to ongoing programming, we welcome schools, institutions, galleries and individuals to activate our space and curate accessible public programming for our joint communities.

IV) OUR LIBRARY AND COLLECTION: Speciwomen’s Library and Collection were started in 2020 and have being growing ongoingly, with careful research and planning. Most of the archive lives at Speciwomen‘s headquarters and is available during library hours to all. Our goal is to build a legacy for women and LGBTQIA+ artists to give access to artists and curators to a permanent collection of artworks, films, books and archival material, available to them for research, channeling and organizing.

Speciwomen Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations made are fully tax-deductible and will be followed by a tax-deduction receipt.