A Pop Singer Says Pussy Is God

And i remember 11 year old me 
Would have cringed at the first syllable of the word 
I remember how my body was a sin
Any name given to it
An unholy holiness 
Never to be mentioned 
talked around and not of 
To be untouched 
Chastity belted up
A mystery to even it’s beholder 

talked about in theory 
If you put this in it 
If you touch this god will
You are a woman now and can become 

called by its scientific name
Restricted and restrained in a woman’s mouth,
She comes to speak to us in 5th grade health
She wears a cross on her neck 
Tells us that she waited until marriage to even look at her vagiyna
Tells us the best way to stay safe is to stay abstinent 

She tells us to get a period
is to be a woman
We imagine what it will be like 
to be woman 
Made of blood and clot 
Start plotting on places to hide our pads 

The inside of our white low top chucks 
Zipped up in our sparkly justice pencil cases
The back pocket of our flower embroidered jeans

We readied ourselves for womanhood this way 

Prepared for more hiding 
And crumbling up in small spaces
More pretending that we only existed in parts
That the whole of us is only what the world is willing to see

We learned to pray during those years
Pray that we are one of the lucky ones who never have a period 
Never become a slave to our own pussies in a week in June
or to a baby 
or to womanhood
To men 
To the cycle of drain and give

We prayed ourselves broken

And then we Learned to pray to a different God
to call our bodies by another name 

We spoke the crevice between our legs into
A prayer ground 

inverted triangle
Not a holy trinity 
No father 
Or holy ghost 
Allowed here 

Call it pussy

Just pussy 
And the pussy is god 


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