Written and directed by Rébecca Chaillon.
With Estelle Borel, Rébecca Chaillon, Aurore Déon, Maëva Husband alternating with Olivia Mabounga, Ophélie Mac, Makeda Monnet, Fatou Siby, David-Christelle Sanvee.
Playing on a famous advertising slogan, Rébecca Chaillon blows up the exotic and erotic clichés in which black women’s bodies are confined. With seven performers of African descent coming from various artistic backgrounds, she creates a community on stage that embarks on a poetic journey of initiation into a country whose imagination hasn’t gone through decolonization. In the long tunnel that takes them from their "awful-past to their afro-future," they question the hypersexualization of their bodies, their alienation from whiteness and from colonial history, their visibility and invisibility in France, and the models with which they grew up. Through her set design, Rébecca Chaillon elicits various possibilities of perception, according to where you are in the theatre as well as in the world. Not to pit them against each other, but to invent, through art, a shareable space centered on this question: how do you shape your desire when you are neither male nor white?
In collaboration with the MC93 maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis at Bobigny and the T2G Théâtre de Gennevilliers.
More information on the event can be found here.