Speciwomen 2024 Membership

$100.00 every 12 months

Speciwomen’s 2024 Membership includes all titles published during the calendar year as well as one title from our publishing archive.

By subscribing, you can keep up with the latest publications from our program while also supporting our organization and the artists we collaborate with. The 2024 Membership includes:

  • Eléonore’s book of postcards, Safe Travel published in conjunction with the artist’s exhibition at Justine Kurland Studio in New York (Spring 2024)

  • Miss.Tic: À la vie, à l’amor. Art dans la ville, poétique de la révolte (1985 - 2022) published in conjunction to the artist’s retrospective at Palais des Papes in Avignon (Summer 2024)

  • The boxset This Long Century: A collection of artists archives published in partnership with This Long Century as the first printed iteration of the online archive of artist interventions.

For any institutional acquisitions of titles, please inquire at publishing@speciwomen.org
